View single post by Stuart W
 Posted: 10-28-2013 01:16 pm
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Stuart W

Joined: 02-19-2004
Location: Virginia USA
Posts: 3523

Some of you may have already noticed a new section in the General category of the IP Home Port forum.  The 'Member Introductions' section - LINK - gives new (and even existing) members somewhere to post introductory messages about themselves.

A number of users have have done this on their own initiative over the years, mostly in the 'Open Forum' or 'Newbie/Wannabe Questions' areas, but now there will be an official, centralized place for it.  Since user 1Cocomon did such a nice job of this recently I went ahead and moved his post into the new section just to kick things off ...

There is no official format for these introductions, but here are some things that you might want to include to help other members get to know you better :
  • Your user and/or real name
  • Boat information (model, name, year, when/where purchased)
  • Sailing area
  • Sailing experience
  • Interests & hobbies
While you're at it you could also include a picture of you and/or your boat - a great way to try out IP Home Port's Gallery feature!

When introducing yourself please start a new topic - don't just add on to (i.e. 'hijack') an existing thread started by someone else.  This will help us to keep the area better organized and allow the forum's notification engine to work most effectively.

Speaking of notifications, if you do NOT want message traffic from this area showing up in e-mail as part of your real-time updates or daily digests then you will need to change your Watched Forum settings :

1) Click on 'My Account' in the Main Menu
2) Click on 'Watched Forums'
3) Clear the checkbox next to 'Member Introductions'
4) Click 'Save' at the bottom of the page

As always if you have a specific question or comment regarding this website please feel free to contact Bobby Ward (username Grainne) or myself by PM or e-mail.

This is the first of several new features being added to IP Home Port in celebration of our 15th anniversary in November 2013, so stay tuned for further announcements!

Stuart Williams
Webmaster, IP Home Port
The Original Website For Island Packet Yacht Owners Since 1998

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